* Interpretation of dipmeter data using SCAT techniques
* Create Tadpole plots
* Commands accessible from menus or toolbar
* Imports ASCII format dipmeter log data
* Plot dip versus azimuth, tangent plots and longitudinal/transverse projections
* Fit data with theoretical fold curves
QuickDip is an easy to use program for the interpretation of dipmeter data using statistical curvature analysis techniques (SCAT). The main menu items are accessible from the QuickDip Toolbar. QuickDip supports import of dipmeter data from ASCII files and allows the user to save interpretation project files.
Dip and Azimuth versus Depth Plot
Dip versus Azimuth Plot
Tangent Plot
Transverse and Longitudinal Dip versus Depth Plot
Save and Retrieve Interpretations
The Save Interpretations command saves an all parameters associated with an interpretation including the name, depth interval, colors, and theoretical fold parameters. The Retrieve Interpretation command allows the interpretation to be retrieved by name. All plot parameters are restored for the retrieved interpretation.
Save Project
The Save Project command or toolbar button saves an interpretation project to a project file. The file includes all interpretations and parameters settings.
Zoom, Unzoom and Full Range
The Zoom tool allows the user to zoom on a depth interval on any depth plot. The Unzoom tool returns the display to previous zoom levels. The Full Range tool resets all displays to the full depth range of the log.
Horizons and Formation Tops
Up to 20 horizons may be labeled on depth plots. Horizons can be input from an ASCII file or entered and saved using the Horizons dialog.
Parameter Control
With QuickDip, the user has full control over most parameters including: symbol size, # of colors, colors, # of histogram bins, limit of tangent plot, show tadpoles, show theoretical curves, curve width, and show horizons.
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