AquiferWin32 is the most sophisticated software system for analysis and display of aquifer test results. AquiferWin32 combines powerful data management capabilities with everything you would expect in a Windows program. AquiferWin32 has been chosen by the Environment Agency of England and Wales and has become the software choice for groundwater scientists and engineers requiring cost effective and versatile analysis tools.
AquiferWin32 major features
* Data can be entered using any set of units and AquiferWin32 provides the most flexible unit conversion calculator of any aquifer test program. You may define any set of units for any variable and change these units at any time!
* AquiferWin32 allows you to analyse your data using either manual on-screen curve matching, by the click-and-drag feature, or via automated statistical matching techniques.
Unlike some other pumping test analysis software, AquiferWin32 displays an unlimited number of type curves for multiple-type curve techniques (e.g. Neuman unconfined). You specify which type curves you want to view. This is also handy for creating custom type curve graphs for use in the field. These are some of the most important features in AquiferWin32. Please take a look at our free demo and see that AquiferWin32 is the best software for analysing aquifer test data!
Major features include:
* Simultaneous optimization of multiple data sets
* Serves as archive for raw data with options for data conversions during analysis
* Full control of parameter and data units on a well by well basis
* Global unit changes
* Parameter-based unit conversion calculator
* Dockable toolbars with tool tips
* WYSIWYG Printing with Print Preview
* Context-sensitive Help
* Multiple Document Interface
* Tab Views including spreadsheet, type curve, and map views
* Data spreadsheet in split window
* Liberal use of Property Sheets (Tab Dialogues) to maximise ease of use
* Native Windows 9X, NT, ME, 2000, XP
* Customizable Views - Text and Parameter Annotations, Legends, Symbols, Lines and Frames
* Frames support display of Bitmaps and Metafiles
* Site Map and Wells Displayed in Plan View
* Customizable Headers/Footers supporting Bitmaps and Metafiles
* Exports to DXF and Metafile formats
* Generates multi-curve type curve plots
* Full control of graphs - size, titles, axes, colours, fonts, dash patterns, line thickness etc
Features unique to AquiferWin32
AquiferWin32 does not require defining wells, simply import or enter the time/drawdown data into the spreadsheet, fill in the radial distance and pumping rate on a property sheet and either match the data manually or click the optimize button. It is that easy!
To manually match data to type curves, the user can simply depress the left mouse button, hold it down and drag the data. You do not even have to activate the procedure with a menu item as in some products. During this operation, all annotations, legends and the optional internal grid of the graph disappear to allow fewer distractions during the matching process. Go to full screen mode via the View/Full Screen menu and the internal part of the type curve graph is expanded to fill the entire screen to make manual matching even easier.
For multiple well analyses, no other pumping test analysis software provides a site plan to plot well locations over a basemap. Once defined, a multiple well analysis allows you to manually or automatically match each monitoring well individually by simply toggling among them. The appropriate data is constantly visible and editable in the split-window spreadsheet adjacent to the graph. You can select an individual data point by double-clicking the mouse within the graph and that point will be selected in the spreadsheet. You can also drag a rectangle around a range of data points on the graph to select them in the spreadsheet. (You would most likely do this to weight the points to give them less significance during optimizations.)
For multiple well analyses, you can optimize across all monitoring wells for whichever parameter or parameters you want. In a leaky-confined analyses, you might optimize Transmissivity and Storage Coefficient while leaving r/B free to vary among individual wells.
We are unaware of any other pumping test analysis software which has more options for analyzing and presenting your results. No other pumping test analysis software is more customizable with respect to legends, printed headers and footers, saving your defaults to the system registry, symbol control on each and every data point and generation of traditional type curve suites as seen in the literature (remember, if the axis labels are Time and Drawdown, it is not a type curve). AquiferWin32 supports variable pumping rates on all pumping test analyses involving type curves so you can analyze the drawdown and recovery data together or account for fluctuations in pumping rate during the test.
As far as we are aware, no other pumping test analysis software:
* Has a full implementation of derivative analysis in which you can generate suites of 1st order derivative type curves, do manual curve matches of 1st order derivative data to those type curves and perform an optimized match of the 1st order derivatives.
* Includes pumping test simulations with contour maps of drawdown and drawdown versus time graphs at any number of monitoring wells.
* Extends the analytical solutions into a full featured modeling environment with contour maps of hydraulic head or drawdown, color floods of head or drawdown and particle tracking. The modeling environment also optimizes calibration targets and is ideal for presentation of image well theory. How can you effectively demonstrate image well theory without a plan view contour map?
AquiferWin32 is user friendly
The term user-friendly is over used when talking about Windows software but it is important. You expect programs to operate a certain way so when you go from one application to another you know what to expect. AquiferWin32 adheres to more Windows standards that any other pumping test software even though it is not called "Aquiferwin32 for Windows". The win32 in the name is because AquiferWin32 was written specifically for 32-bit Windows platforms. It has never run in DOS or 16-bit Windows and caries with it no limitations from those operating systems.
Another aspect of user-friendly is cutting the learning curve when it comes to using new software. That is why we are combining slug test analysis, pumping test analysis, step test analysis, pumping test simulations and analytical flow modeling into one application with a common user-interface. Why learn a number of different applications when one will do?
Maybe the most important aspect of user-friendly is removing confusion. AquiferWin32 is designed to differentiate among distinct analysis types (slug tests, pumping tests etc) by storing them in different documents. In this way you won't encounter parameters or operations that have no meaning to the type of analysis you are doing.
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