GW Contour
GW Contour, developed by Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc., represents the first data interpolation and contouring program to also incorporate advanced techniques for mapping velocity vectors and particle tracks all within one, easy-to-use program! GW Contour offers the perfect combination of tools and techniques for groundwater and environmental professionals.
* GW Contour functionality
* Why should I buy GW Contour?
* Applications of GW Contour
GW Contour is ideal for:
* Graphical mapping and reporting of groundwater levels
* Preliminary interpolation and contouring of contaminant concentrations (groundwater, soil, or air)
* Assessing groundwater flow direction and magnitude
* Contouring data obtained from pumping tests, dataloggers, groundwater monitoring events, weather stations, groundwater models, borehole logs, etc.
* Gridding ground surface elevations or hydrogeologic layer for use in groundwater flow models, or GIS
* Analyzing exposure when assessing human health or ecological risk
* Comparing conceptual interpretations with calculated interpretations
Whether contouring elevations, contaminant concentrations, or other spatially variable data, GW Contour has the techniques and tools necessary to map and report your data in a professional manner.
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